Hi, my name is Kjartan Tysdal (from team Mango / TearsOfSteel). I’ve been doing some sculpting+recording lately and I thought I’d share them here. Hope you like!
I just released my first tutorial on Gumroad (paid). It shows how I go about modeling a very derpy dinosaur head.
Here a video showing the base sculpting tutorial condensed into a 1 minute timelapse.
get it here:
Damn …How could I miss this…
Thank’s for the video Ktysdal.
You get it to look so EASY…It is instructive to see Your workflow…You use very few Brushes to get
this LOVELY sculpts…Was nice to see how You cleen up the mesh with flatten brush…And shape model
with Snake and Grab…Cool
I have only played a little with Sculpt…But I will see them again later.
Another thing 1000 Thank You for Your very nice addon - Kjartans script…So COOOOOOOOOOL…Sorry…Puff Puff
Really solid work. Well done and thanks for sharing.
thanks a lot guys
Glad to hear you like my addon as well Taipan.
I’ll probably try to record a more advanced tutorial some time in the future