Sculpting with UVs and displacements.

BTW, michalis, any chance of uploading that material?

Thanks danilius
Hey, nothing special in this material. Glossy+diffuse+texture+bumps.
No dirtmaps or such, yet.
If you mean the box mapped texture, here:


by the way, Michalis, is this sculpt full retopologized? would you show us the wire? i’d really wanna know how is this possible :slight_smile:

Thanks, michalis.

This is beautiful. I’m gonna try this some time! thank you for sharing your experiments :slight_smile:

I just found this thread 3 days ago, I have no idea how I missed it. Great fun!!

nice shapes, nice presentation!

Very interesting. impressive shapes!
Great render, is this cycles or BI or maybe GLSL?

here is my try at the uv displacement sculpting

i made my own panel and it works wonders for me

i did a little compositing, color correction, fog, sharpen filter.

so tell me what you all think :]

Hello michalis, thanks for your great thread, and your comment:D It is a BI render, 1115 polys, 22 million with subdivision. The background it a photo of a sunrise taken in my backyard.

My days work. Started with skin modifier and continued from there.

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wow! great, spin86!

That hand picture has a great atmosphere to it, I could see it doing really well in the Blenderguru Sci-Fi contest if it was entered.

How long have you been using Blender exactly?

Great new entries!
It seems, on this thread, we have the longest lasting Sci-Fi contest. LOL

Well, I started with basic tutorials maybe two years ago, but then never really did anything other than some very simple wallpapers. In fact, i never did any texturing until about two weeks ago because I had no clue about UV-maps etc. Then I stumbled upon the dyntopo sculpting and this here :-). Quite amazing what you can do with those displacements. I learned a lot!

By the way, concerning my hand picture: The current sphere is only placeholder. My idea was to have a glass sphere with some dirt in it and a nice (maybe even glowing) green plant.
Thing is, i don’t manage to make the glass sphere look nice, it looks rather boring. Maybe I’ll post it this evening.
What I tried is to have two glass spheres (one inside the other) to get the “glass thickness”, but it looks stupid.
Should I try boolean modifier or some fancy node setup (found something about ray-length etc for glass thickness)?

A new doodle. Loops, extrudes and bumps-AO maps only + a little Ps.

Looks great michalis!
Could you maybe provide some information on the AO map you mentioned? If I understand correctly, it’s some kind of Ambiend Occlusion map-technique? Any tutorials or information what and how you did that and what effect it has? I only experimented with Bump so far (learned how to by looking at one of your material setups, so thanks :-)).

Here are a couple of Freestyle renders using this technique.


Inside A Tentacle:

I mean, … wow
Eh, I can’t believe it. Speechless.

atom, great! what is freestyle render? how did you do these amazing pieces? i have seen the model in the thread, but how can you derive this “lineart”?