Hi, does anybody heard or used Sculptor?
It is from Otoy producer of Octane render engine.
Cheers, mib
Hi, does anybody heard or used Sculptor?
It is from Otoy producer of Octane render engine.
Cheers, mib
that animation at the end looks so smooth
I wonder if the programs is THAT good or it runs on 4 nvidia 2080 s or something!
What you see is using just one GPU.
as the Blender Devs, as they are already doing, piece by piece will eliminate the flip-flop between cpu and gpu, transferring almost everything to gpu, these things will be easy and fluid even on blender …
it is an obligatory path.
I can say for sure that is a very “niche” sculpting tool, it allows for very specific animated-sculpt workflows and effects which are like the cherry on-top of the cake. Such as giving that extra push for making the scene look even better. Such as having cloth creases that fold, muscle deformations.
I can’t wait for the Blender implementation of this! Keymesh is looking crazy cool. Some sort of claymation esque feature could make some very powerful techniques!
Yeah it’s very good for us who use Blender that we would not have to learn a new softare to explore such new techniques.