SDFs System for blender

Hi everybody,
I started to develop an addon for the blender to add SDF modeling to the blender and so far I’m getting some good results, soon I will need beta testers.
here is a simple test with addon.

Discord server : Discord server


Interesting, thanks for developing and sharing.

Will this add-on also work in Blender for macOS?

Interesting… still didn’t tried some of “the other” SDF possibilities (even if watching @Metin_Seven’s thread :sweat_smile: )… so i might qualify as an ( “almost” :thinking: ) unbiased beta tester :wink: did have a look on discord

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Yes with no issue, at the moment I’m searching for beta tester to fix problems also have something to show.

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I’m searching for beta testers as well, someone to create models to show of.

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Hey Omid! I’d be happy to help out with the beta testing, if needed.

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