Sea Animation

Hello friends,
I am going to animate a scene of sea, I have rendered an initial or a testing image of the scene. I am not satisfied with the current island look and water reflection. All feedbacks are welcome.

nice water :D…i think the island could maybe be a bit bigger, and your clouds look too random…other than that i like it, how did you make the water?

Water looks amazing! I would also like to know how you made it. I agree that the island can be bigger. It looks like its just a random spot of land which doesn’t match up with the reflection

Thanx for the advises.
i made water using two cloud textures mapped to Nor. i am using raytrace refraction with IOR = 1.33, fresnel=5.0, and raytrace reflaction.

I am thinking of dropping the idea of island as my project will describe the advantages of a global positioning system, and if you see an island then it gives you some idea about your current position in the sea. in this case there is not much need of a gps.

now i will try to improve clouds as peter said.

thanx again.

I have rendered final output of animation for my project. Being an artist, I am not satisfied with the scene. So i will add more details to this scene such as islands and a ship. here is the animation,

video link :

You may want to try doing the water with the Ocean Sim branch of Blender. You can grab it here: