Sea view

Just a little nice view.


Very nice! Looks like a peaceful day on the water. There isn’t even a a whole lot in the scene, but is is just such a nice composition. :clap:

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The trees in the Foreground look really nice :slight_smile:
The water seems to end a little abrupt at the horizon though.

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I would love to see what some people’s solution is for that. There is usually a visible border between my detailed fore and mid-ground water against my distant plane with a water texture slapped on it.

I think that it has a lot of potential as the composition is really nice, well done and balanced and the lighting is perfect but cliff on the background and the tree branches should need a bit more of work.
Cliff needs a better texture, less confusing and more precise that could help understand how it’s done.
Tree branches needs a bit more polygons to help to have more detailed shape.

Except these two main issues, I think it’s great and remember me some Croatian coast line I’ve visited… Looking your image I can hear the cicadas chirrup on the background…

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Thanks for comments and advices. I did a little bit of rework.

For the horizon line, I look at photos and it can be “abrupt”.

I like the changes you did.
I think that it’s better than before.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks you !

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thanks Bart. :grinning:.

I would like to be there; it’s very beautiful.