Seamless Gravel Texture 3000x3000 and 1024x1024
(Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, Specular, Ambient Occlusion)
Feel free to use it any way you like! It’s nice if you credit me but it’s not obligatory. Enjoy!
Texture applied onto a cylinder
Texture applied onto an irregular plane
Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, Specular and Ambient Occlusion map
Download Seamless Gravel Texture 3000x3000 here:!CFEXEDBZ!vrxjhMTGZdxmcP-jSdiKjhEkJBs6wv-hYXXxe6SLERA
Download Seamless Gravel Texture 1024x1024 here:!GRckgDTJ!wBO5CcKHHEyEV6SbWbYegdYQQTrsZUEjjIWa0GSTD4E