Seascapes in Blender with Ocean Modifier and HDRI

I came across the images shown below, generated with the commercial software PhoenixFD and 3D Studio, and started to explore if I could achieve something similar in Blender.

Using Blender’s Ocean Modifier, I can construct the water surface, but I find it difficult to mix in the HDRI sky. As you can see from my render, I can’t get rid of the black gap coming from the HDRI.

Does anyone have any suggestion how to configure a scene in Blender to resemble the example images shown above?

The .blend file I’m using is attached.

example.blend (1.6 MB)

The HDRI is from

This is a strange HDRI… usually they go all the around in every direction :thinking: you could of course just move your plane up, (G > Z), but I wonder if you could find a better HDRI somewhere like

Make your ocean bigger. Oceans are generally pretty big.


Moving the plane does not solve the problem, it seems that the horizontal line will always align with the horizontal line in the hdri.

I have been searching for other Sky HDRI, but it seems to be a common practice that the horizontal line is in the middle of the image,,,

The images below are typical,

I added additional instances of the Ocean, and the horizontal lines gets closer. But it puts a heavy load on the computer.

The .blend file I’m using is attached.
example3.blend (1.6 MB)

HDRI’s are only images with pixels.

You can easily adjust the horizon line in an image editor. Simply select the sky and scale it vertically. It’s magic! Be sure and save with the same color depth and file format as the original!

But Sterling is spot on point. Your ocean plane must completely fill everything below the horizon line.

To reduce the computational weight you can swap out the far distance with a crude approximation of your near-camera texture. Use atmospheric haze or depth blur to obscure the blend between the two.

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Adjusting the horizontal line by scaling the HDRI solves the issue with the black area.

In GIMP I adjusted the original HDRI as shown below,

and in Blender it starts to look pretty darn good…

I’m swapping the far-distance tiles for a low res texture and will try to add some haze.

Here are the files, in case anyone want’s to have a closer look



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