Seat Leon

This is a Seat Leon I made. I’m planning to use this car in a bigger scen with a landscape etc…

anyway here are the links.

comments? suggestions?


Yea! Comments!

1 - It is nice to see that people not only models racers but also common cars :slight_smile:

2 - Model is really good and reflections appropriate.

3 - Glass is usually quite flat, so that bumpmap there is exaggerated, IMHO

4 - Tires are strange, I’ve never seen tires with a flank like that, but one never knows.

5 - Chrome for wheels is fine, but wheels lack modeling

Keep it up


What bumpmap do you mean? I only used one bumpmap yet in this model, and that is on the numberplate.

Thanks for the comments anyway, I’ll work some on the tires and on the wheel.


What bumpmap do you mean? I only used one bumpmap yet in this model, and that is on the numberplate.


I’ve seen curved wavy lines in the glass envmap and I supposed they were due to a bumpmap carefully chosen to represent imperfections :smiley:

It isn’t that your glass model is bumpy ?


I’ve seen curved wavy lines in the glass envmap and I supposed they were due to a bumpmap carefully chosen to represent imperfections :smiley:

It isn’t that your glass model is bumpy ?


Not treally bumpy. It is a little rounded though.

nice car hannibar =), how did you make the head and brake lights? they rock… are they modelled or just a texture?

I have a feeling that its the envmap for the glass that gives the impression of bumpiness.

Otherwise it is a fine car. What modeling you’ve done for the wheel is fine and well : I am looking for some reason for that wheel not to quit the car though, as I can’t see any axel or at least the end of one, neither any bolts or nut.
Tire texture seems quite hard to grasp : always too shiny and hard, but yours is as good as they come. I like the sculpture you did on them and if you invented it then good for you.

My car will never shine like that.

Good but the tires looks so shiny… :-?

Aksy 8) 8)

Nice model yet I miss a few details like the rear view mirrors, handles etc (ofcourse it’s a WIP)? also I think it’s a bit too shiny.

keep it up!

I uploaded an untextured model of the car. There you can see that the head light are just some holes. I gave them an enviroment map then, and played a little with the emission. I think that way it gives quite satisfying results, and It doesn’t look to flat.
The other lights are just an UV map, with an enviroment map on it. Because headlights aren’t very transparent, I didn’t model them, but just applied a texture.