Secession Vase

Hi there

Little vase study I was working on lately…

Check my blog for some of the WIP pics and a proper showcase gallery.

Would welcome any kind of feedback/C&C
Thanks for looking!


No love? :smiley:

It looks like it turned out pretty close to the reference (in terms of the materials at least).

Good job.

No. Nobody will ever love you. You will spend the rest of your life alone and die alone, asking what you have done to deserve such a lifetime of hatred and indifference. In the end, you will question if the very idea of love could exist in a harsh, unforgiving reality.

Cool vase though. It is pretty and nice looking. :yes:

I know, right? :smiley:

Heres some love for ya :slight_smile: lol

Nice work man, I bet the modelling on those handles took a while to get right! :wink:

I really like the texture on the vase. Is this photo, painted, procedural? Any info much appreciated as I am working on something similar :slight_smile:

Thanks man, yeah it did took a while to figure those shapes out… especially the retopo/glueing those parts together …

Fantastic work!

Is the material procedural? if so mind sharing the node setup looks pretty cool.

I just checked the high resolution pic, that’s awesome!

Eventhough I have no idea what a procedural material is, no I don’t think so it is :slight_smile:
Just a basic setup with Glossy and Anisotropic BSDF’s…

@chewbacca - Procedural means that its a material made with no image textures. Just procedural textures (i.e - noise and musgrave) and cycles nodes :slight_smile: so if your material uses image textures to make the marble pattern, it is not procedural. :slight_smile:

@chewbacca - Procedural means that its a material made with no image textures. Just procedural textures (i.e - noise and musgrave) and cycles nodes :slight_smile: so if your material contains images to get the marble pattern, it is not procedural. :slight_smile:

Procedural materials tutorial -

Right. Cheers mate.