Secret Missing Coral


How does this have no comments? This is truly amazing, the magical nature feel, the way you used those stringy lines from last time I saw your work to make hair for this being of nature, the beautiful natural coral coming off the back with the stems of light and beauty, it’s all very reminiscent of fairylights and bush sculptures, this is incredible

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

thanks ivy, glad the details didn’t go unnoticed

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

beautiful work

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The mix between old school influences and modern techniques is original and its gives the most out of each.
Do you sometimes create fully abstract images?
Did you create the last splashscreen for Blender? Was it inspired by ‘Princess Mononoke’?
This one seems to be a classical religious theme.
What is the reference for this image?
I guess that you like the work of Gustave Doré on the ‘Divine Comedy’.

thank you, but I never liked fully abstract images. I used no reference for this piece and yes the splash screen was inspired by princess mononoke, you have a keen eye