Seeing bones instead of rig controllers

Hi! I’m selecting the proper layers yet the rig is not showing the controllers but the bones.
On the first picture it’s how it should and did look like in previous saved blender files.

Check in the Armature properties panel. Make sure that Shapes is enabled.


Thank you for the reply, the Shapes option seems to be enabled. -

Make sure that the shapes are still applied for the bones.

Select one of them, then look under Custom Object in the Bone properties (in the Viewport Display section). Is there still a value in the object name box, or has it been removed somehow?


Did check and there is indeed nothing assigned to the custom object box when selecting a bone in the pose mode, but the controllers are assigned in the previous blender files where it worked as expected.

Have you done any tidying up of the scene?

The custom shapes will often be stored in a collection which is hidden. Depending on how the rig was created, this collection is often called WGTS or something like that.

If that was deleted, then the control shapes will have been removed from the blend file.

Can’t remember doing anything in particular, the WGTS_rig collection does exist.
I don’t know if this is related but the bones also seem to be very asymmetrical.

Would you be able to upload the blend file?
You can send it via a DM if you prefer.

Thank you for your help, i actually removed things that were essential to the scene

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