Seeing deleted objects in render & seeing through a deleted camera

So I finished a project a while ago and I had an animated camera. Long story short, something happened with my frames that made me just leave the project because I didn’t feel like re-rendering the frames. I came back to the project because I want to render still images from it. I deleted the animated camera and added new cameras. I also deleted objects in the scene that I didn’t like anymore.

Now, when I have a new camera selected and render the image, it’s rendering from the view of the animated camera I deleted, and I’m also seeing the other objects that I deleted.

  • I don’t see any keyframes in the timeline
  • I made sure I deleted the camera and have a completely different camera selected
  • I don’t see anything in the render on frame 0 (just black and grey checkers), and at frame 1 I’m seeing through the old camera
  • when I search the scene collection for the camera or objects, they are not in the hierarchy

is my file haunted or is there a solution? lol

Is it just selected or did you also set it as active camera. An active camera would have a black triangle on top while if it’s only selected it would be a triangle outline. But I just checked if you only have one camera in the scene, it would automatically render through that camera.

For the reappearing objects. It does look weird. If it’s deleted in the scene it should not show up when you render. maybe you could try deleting all unused data block or orphans. Blender doesn’t delete the objects out of your file when you press delete, it’s still there, but it becomes an orphan data and you have to delete again.

You could also maybe share the Blend file.

Alright so yes, I did have my camera selected and it was still showing the view from the deleted camera. I deleted 3 material orphans. These belonged to the objects that I deleted, but are still showing up. After deleting the orphans, the objects are still showing up. I’ll share the blend file. I deleted the floors and such so the file isn’t so big. If you see the floor and things like pipes, that means you are seeing other thing that I deleted.

If you see a creepy smiley face, those are the objects I deleted but are still in the scene. I have 4 cameras that I wanted to render still images of. I know the one I’m seeing is from the old camera because it’s looking towards on side of the room and I was having it pan over to the other side.
cameraProblem_3.blend (3.2 MB)

I’m not seeing these deleted objects, and I only see 4 cameras total.

I wasn’t able to render the scene at all, until I deleted the file in the video sequencer. After that, it worked fine.

If it turns out to be haunted, I’m going to be very displeased now that it’s also on my computer. I have enough problems, I don’t need ghosts.

Can confirm it’s haunted.

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Yay… :rofl:

The ghost lives in that video sequencer file, I guess. :person_shrugging:

As G_De said its the video in the video sequencer. Its most likely a previous animation that you rendered back then, and when you press render it renders that animation instead of your scene. Try to delete that video file in the sequencer and render your scene again.

I don’t have experience with blenders video sequencer so I might be wrong. But I deleted that file and it rendered fine.

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Yes that worked, thank you! Sorry for the late response, I’ve been sick, but I appreciate everyones help!

I’m also glad to know that the file isn’t haunted :slight_smile:

No problem :smile:

Feel better!