Seeking to collaborate with a Rigging artist (single model - space marine)


I’m looking for help from a rigging artist to finish rigging my space marine model. I’ve tried to do this myself, but I think certain aspects are just beyond me right now and the project is stalling.

My goal is to have a robust skeleton that would allow for easier posing control in static images and perhaps simple animations. The mesh itself is intended for multires sculpting and not for games.

This work cannot be monetized due to GW copyright. I do intend to release the mesh for free download at a later date - it would be nice if the rig could be included too.

I have a basic deform group and FK control group set up for the hips, chest, legs, and arms. I am having trouble with IK chains not working, and the pauldrons are problematic. I have an IK pauldron system in a test armature that sort of works, but it involves manual editing of constraint influences for each axis of rotation, so could perhaps be replaced with a better method.

I’m open to opinions, but I think it would be good to have:

  1. FK/IK systems, including some way to control fingers
  2. some method to automate the inner and outer pauldron position, and then fine-tune as required
  3. a fairly understandable rig, so that new armour variants could be easily weight-painted in and the old ones masked or separated out

What I don’t want/need:

  1. a rigify set up with lots of superfluous bones
  2. something really complicated that I can’t actually use

In return, I thought that I could offer a set of textures for the mesh in your favourite (or own) chapter? I can’t offer extensive freehand frescoes or such, but I can recolour the mesh to a chapter of your choosing, and add decals you have etc. I’d also list you as a collaborator in portfolio pages, and can link to your account/portfolio, so that you would be properly credited for the work at least.

Hi folks,

Thanks for the interest, I have someone working on the rig now so I think we are good.
