Select and deselect an object blender 3.6 5

I am using blender 3.6.5 and I m used to click A for selecting an object and another A for deselecting the object. But now i have to click twice A for deselecting and once A for selecting. But how can i get back to one time clicking A for selecting and deselecting as i used to do this.
I am using the keymap blender.
When changing to keymap blender 2.7 then i can nothing select.
I know i have to switch to blender 4.
But I’m not ready for that yet

Go into your keymap preferences, find the command, and note the various combinations that can be used to alter behavior… Click, double click, in release, etc.

Sorry I meant to set in edit mode A is for selecting and AA deselecting but that was also A
Your solution brings me not to the key settings for the keyboard

My solution took you to exactly the keyboard settings.

Okay show me how to set A is selecting al vertices in edit mode and again a is delsecting al the vertices. I know how to come to the keymap but where do I change

Does not matter Blender has ruined my workflow I have to learn the new keymap settings !!
I used to set it back to the old keymap 2.7 but that does not work anymore.
I was hoping in 3.6.5 it worked

I’m not going to defend Blender’s paradigm of hotkey assignment; it’s probably the worst I’ve ever seen in any software.

But beyond that, it’s reasonable that as any software evolves over years, the user must concede that some workflow habits must also change.

If a user is unwilling to use 2024 workflow in 2024 software, they need to keep using the version from 2014 that they are happy with.

Yes i agree i could alway use the 2.7 keymap but somehow in 3.6.5 it does notwork anymore.
Lucky i couldgo back to 3.4.1 with the keymap i used to be working with. But i realise I must switch to blender 4.0 keymap.
I could always work with no problem but since 3.6 i was struggling with the keymap changes.
I have waited to long.

I mostly use keyboard shortcuts like in edit mode
Shift+A to select a loop vertices. But that doesn t work anymore.
I think you need more the mouse to select an option from the menu. I am more a keyboard shortcut user so now i have to change my workflow. Not a problem but it takes a lot time to relearn using blender.

Hi. It is this option…

If you think about it, the obscure name of this tick box says exactly what you want. I think it should say ‘Toggle: Select All’. That is easier to understand.

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Ok thanks i try that one.

Yea that is the only keymap I change every time I update Blender!

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Yes that works for me too thanks