Select bones in weight paint mode in 4.1

OK, seems this has changed as well… what’s the latest way to select bones in weight paint mode? The 3.6 way was select armature then mesh, go into weight paint, and shift-click. I tried doing the same and about every key combo involving ctrl/shift/alt/left/right click. Using standard keymap.


edit - crtl-shift click or alt click seems to work with a clean scene and a simple mesh. Here’s what I’m getting with ctrl/shift click on a more complicated rig for some reason -

It’s some face select thing I didn’t see before. Maybe something to do with bone collections?

here’s 2 rigs side by side, on of them is working fine, the other one not so much -

here’s a blend file just in case -
boneselect.blend (1.4 MB)

Make sure you are not in Paint Mask mode but in bone select mode.
Then Alt+click should work (in Left click select)


thanks! I literally woke up at 3 in the morning thinking “hey, maybe there’s subobject modes in weight paint…” :smiley:

hey @_hris , while I got you (I know it’s not on topic but it’s not every day I got a developer on the line :slight_smile: ) - with zero weights enabled (active), I can’t get zero weights (visually) with using the draw brush set to 0, only using the subtract brush for some reason. Is that intended?


Yes when set to mix mode and weight set to 0 it doesn’t remove the dark blue weight, but dont worry is not affecting the weight anymore it just a leftover, and same problem happens when you select a vertex group in edit mode, it selects those dark blue areas even though they are not changing the weight significantly, but using clean vertex group operator solves that too, but i would recommend turning on the weight contours overlay to see the gradients and if there is any stray weights between those dark blue areas while painting. And yes when set to subtract mode and weight set to 1 it removes completely those dark blue areas for some reason. Also using the clean vertex weights operator at 0.001 limit does the same.

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don’t know honestly. Will check with the module next week. It would help if you send a bug report for this though (if it doesn’t already exist).

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Thanks for the tips. I noticed that, it’s just really inconvenient having to switch to subtract, especially since the keymap changes with the draw brush. Sometimes it’s more convenient to use ctrl to subtract and shift to blur instead if switching brushes, and zero weight gives a good visual feedback. Weight contours look alright for general debugging but I don’t really want to see them all the time as they’re busy and not nice to look at.

Appreciate it. Created a ticket.

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Was classified as not a bug, cause if we click it a 100 times it sort of gets down to 0 weight. I highlighted the fact that it’s highly inconsistent and may get lost of the ticket is closed, but I’m sure there are protocols for what is and isn’t a bug.

Anyhow, if you guys have a module meeting and just in case this is a low hanging fruit, it might be worth taking a look.

hm ok I see. The brush falloff means the value will only approach 0 but never really reach it (well after a long time). Yeah that’s not a bug unfortunately but a technical limitation. Would like to hear your thoughts though if you have ideas how that should be solved.

I don’t know about the technical end, but even when looking at the falloff it feels like I should get to 0 sooner.
subtract -
draw 0 (clicked like 50+ times to get where the brush falloff would indicate) -