Select lights only

Is there any option to select only lights without selecting nearby objects?

In the outliner you can filter the list to only show lights, and select from there.

You have the option to choose from.

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not that, while selecting light.
sometimes, while selecting the light, nearby objects are selected.

Binu Alex Cherian
R.T. Nagar

So you do not click on them (and with another click blender would select the *next best thing" until you reach the light…) but use for example rectangular, circle or lasso ??

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Thank you , this is what I was looking

Actually… @oo_1942 was showing this but using another theme… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Opps…it fooled me also! I didn’t catch that…

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Sometimes i see some awesome 3D software shown somewhere… when i realize… it’s not the default theme of blender :wink:

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