Selenite Crystal material


I use eevee on Blender 2.80. Is there a way I can recreate the look of a selenite crystal but as a material?

I am trying to get this sort of style for the crystal bits in my scene

and this is how mine looks

I just need a way of making it look more dirty with more noticeable definition.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Here is a sample of my crystal just in case anyone would like to have a look ad possibly try and achieve what I am looking for CRYSTALSHARD.blend (956.6 KB)

this looks like some sort of AO + Bevel with shadows near bumps

no glass here ?

be back later on
got to find some example here

happy cl

what color do you want ?

whitish or yellowish ?

happy bl

here is one with some yellowish color

or like this one

happy bl

This needs translucency and a light source inside.

EEVEE won’t cut it. So it’s best to use Cycles or if EEVEE really is a must, bake texmap.
Here’s simply fake shader based on pointiness + AO mix w/ Bevel mod. You would apply same principle to translucent matter.

CRYSTALSHARDs.blend (997.6 KB)

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Thank you! I really appreciate it :slight_smile: