A character that I’m currently working on in Blender. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Where’s the bow?
Just a head for now. When I’ve fully modelled her, she’ll definitely have a bow.
Facial proportions look a bit off; like the eyes seem too small and the lips are not well defined enough. The hair looks good! Show your face topology and I can help you but it seems like the cheekbone right under the eye has a strange dent in it.
Thanks for the feedback!
this is a very good work, as anime character,
if your looking to make a toon shader to this character, thin i think this is great, the flat colors are going to take care of most of the topolgy problems concedring the toon style
but if your aiming to realsitic, thin thats another thing
but i would sugest to add some roundens to the cheeks , thy look a little bit flat for an anime cute girl
also the head looks more round like an egg than a humen head, i think you need to make the jow even wider near the ears, just to give sens of the head and the jow
but eventully, this are just my opinions, i am not a pro artist ,
and it looks really great
At the moment, I’m creating more-realistic type shaders for her.
In terms of the head shape, I didn’t add enough volume to the hair, making her head look more dome-like. Making the hair look more puffy should be a solution. Thanks for pointing it out!
And, I’ll need to work on the cheek shape in general.
Thanks for the feedback!
Current texture preview -
Render -
I’m mainly working on the materials for the clothes at the moment. Then, after, I’ll most likely start on the bow.
she looks nice now , that you add the materials
The bow is now complete! All that’s left now is a few final touches for the textures and then rigging!
Hiya there Amber!
I really like the concept behind the model and it looks really promising. I would agree with Alf that you should use the toon shader instead. I think the model would look better (stylistically) if done using shadeless materials. I would also try making sure the bow looks interesting and actually follows the proportions of a really bow. (Just as a question, what type of bow are you going for? War bow, long bow, recurve bow, etc). I would also add a level of subdiv on your bow. In addition, I would really work on making sure the colour scheme matches the attitude of the character. Right now, the colours of the bow and the character don’t look appealing and aren’t realistic to a real life archer. But hey, you don’t have to listen to what I say. You should make something that you are happy with. Good luck!
Psst… it would look way better if you added eyebrows.