A render I did a while back to test out a script I wrote to use curves as a means of generating hair systems, similar to Maya’s Hair system.
Based on an illustration by Dani Naimare.
A render I did a while back to test out a script I wrote to use curves as a means of generating hair systems, similar to Maya’s Hair system.
Based on an illustration by Dani Naimare.
This is cool
Very nice!
Very nice. Is there some way to get your plugin?
Really nice. I would like to know more about the hair technique.
Love that hair!
I love the subsurface scattering! Nice work
Love your work! major improvement to the original concept art.
Very nice render and design.
Thanks for the comments, everybody
@CCTrevis - Not really, I haven’t put it on my bitbucket addons page or anything. I saw the HairNet addon and decided to reinvent the wheel, since I would understand how to use it better if I just wrote it myself You may as well check out the HairNet addon since it does virtually the same thing as my script, and probably more efficiently since it can use meshes directly.
@David McDermott - Basically, my script takes a selection of curves (I just joined all the curves into a single object and used that), creates a hair system and converts each spline to a new hair on that hair system. To get a dense set of curves, I just modeled a handful of beveled / tapered curves, converted the curves to meshes, removed the faces, converted the remaining edge loops back to curves, and used the new curves as the selection for converting to hairs.
I really love your style, The lightwork is just awesome.
sorry to dig this old post up. I like this hair. Currently, we have comb for hair, is it easy to comb hair like this?