Sentinel in progress..

Hi, I’m another Elysiun newbie but I’ve been messing about with blender for a year or so. I split my time between working, girlfriend duties, making music and 3d so I don’t get as much blendering done as I’d like.

Anyway, here’s my Sentinel so far (started during a quiet moment at work and without any reference material initially).

I’m yet to make any tentacles I’m happy with (see my post in in the Q&A forum) but I’ll get there eventually! Oh yeah - and I need to redo the legs, after checking I discovered that it should have another leg joint.

Man I wouldnt want to mess with that
Cool model 8)
Lighting could use some work
Nice start you have there

That might go to the Living Mechanics contest!


thats one nice job u did there =)

my only suggestion, its very organic looking , which is real cool, but id like to see it balanced with sharp mechanical things, like gears or sectioned wires

i just love all them ‘eyes’!

Good start. Very true to eh original from the movie. Only thing missing is a bit more shine/relfection. As I recall, they were almost chrome looking.

Are you going to add the tentacles, etc. to this as well?


BgDM, Yep I will add tentacles when I can find a suitable way of modelling them… :wink:
The textures are kind of temporary too, I have checked the DVD since doing this and the actual one is a bit more shiney and more blue-ish.

rogerm3d, the lighting was just temporary too :slight_smile:

I wish I had the discipline to work on a model without texturing it until the modelling is finished, but I always get carried away and want to see it with textures heheh

Thanks for all the comments :smiley:

Cool model, good imagination!

I usually model without references too (But don’t tell anybody! :wink: )
It has a good chance of ending up like something that hasn’t been done
before when you do that - so it’s sometimes a fun thing to do.

I especially like the “Blurry” crystal-like eyes. It’s like they’re made out of jelly.


what you could do is get yourself a texture that gives u dark bars like the procidural wood one and using that as a bump map on a cylinder and putting a good sheen ect on it just a suggestion… :smiley:

I tried that and it kind of worked, except when I bend the tentacles the texture goes all over the place (maybe I should spend more time learning how to use UV maps) :confused:

Cheers for the suggestion though :slight_smile:

that’s just amazing. the modeling is good, but the lighting is just spectactular! i know how you feel not having time to blend and such, i too have my time taking up with piano studies at the moment. i got very little blending in. :frowning: