The snowflake instance geo has
a single unconnected vertex in each hole,
all within a vertex group.
Im trying to separate out those points after an “Instance on Points” and then run shortest paths through them but it doesn’t seem to be grabbing any vertices.
Any ideas?
shortest path needs edges, it can’t do anything with just points. Try something like this:
This does seem a little odd, I don’t believe you can have vertex groups on curve objects, so I’m a little confused.
If you are willing to share your .blend file, you can get some much better help. (1.8 MB)
The vertex group is in the instanced snowflake. Should be 6 vertices in the group “Holes”
I’m trying to extrude vines through the holes of the instanced snowflakes.
I appreciate the help. I’m just getting started with GeoNodes – could be a simple mistake.
January 2, 2023, 8:25pm
Here is example connecting separated points
WREATH_TEST4.blend (1.9 MB)
Bewildered but very much appreciated. Thank you!
New Years-ish project back on track. Very helpful reference in getting up to speed with geonodes.
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