Sequin Shader

How can I create the Sequin Shader ?

Like Red Dress of “Jessica Rabbit”

I need to anime too with new Cloth System.


there are of course probably a million ways to do it. One might be to scan a piece of sequined cloth (or find a photoreference somewhere on the web). With appropriate specularity, it might get the effect you’re looking for and animating it would be quite cheap.
Another approach might be to use or adapt a shader like my scales Pynode: (the one used for the koi like fish) . With the setup shown there you can select colors from a slighly varying color texture and plug that into some shiny material (like the voronoi silver I used). This might give a more realistic effect, but is probably a lot more expensive to render.

you could try having a very specular sphere, and using dupliverts?