Servbot! (Megaman Legends) [o','o ]

Stuck, in the 1st hour of working on him. Any ideas how to make his claws?:confused:
Ah, yes, and here is the reference,

I just eyeballed it. I am aiming for 2 separate renders later, toon shaded and realistic.

C&C is also welcome!:smiley:


Not badā€¦ better than mine, I think(which was based off of the actual game model, and hence looked worse). As for the claws, Iā€™d use a cylinder, and then a boolean with a smaller cylinder to ā€œcut outā€ the middle circle. Then, discard one half of the remaining vertices, leaving a C shape, and re-topo as needed.

If you followed thatā€¦ :slight_smile:

haha nice character, i like it

if i were to model those claws, iā€™d start off with a circle (probably with 16 verts), extrude the ring inwards to the size of that center hole there, then delete half for the C shapeā€¦
after that, iā€™d extrude the whole thing downwards to the right thickness

after that, set smooth and use the edgesplit modifier (if it doesnt look right at first, do ctrl a in object mode and ctrl n in edit mode)
that should give you a fast and clean mesh :slight_smile:

keep that hinge part a seperate object and model it like you did the head

anyways nice work :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. :smiley:
Update: added eyes as cylinder(canā€™t quite get a perfect circle with retopo, I keep screwing up.),separated parts that would rotate and move,redid light blue color, added claws (I donā€™t know how to use boolean operations:o, so I had to use Jeepā€™s suggestion), and made the head shorter.

Now time to rig him:( and then recolor him in all of his rightful toon shaded glory.:cool: Does anyone know how to make crosshatching shadows?(I already have the freestyle build for an outline.)

4 hours of work so far, mostly on the eyes.:ba:


Looking goodā€¦ if shiny. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you change the mouth shape(for different expressions)?

i like where this is going!! good job so far