Set Dimensions in Edit Mode

Just a quick update to build upon knowledge already shared by Benny_G, and Zimlorog.

The Mesh Tools AddOn is now distributed with Blender 2.80, but does not (Yet?) include the Set Dimensions tool. Thus I initially ran into an AddOn instillation conflict when installing Set Dimensions because it still references MeshTools in its code.

To fix this I opened the file that was downloaded from GitHub with Microsoft Visual Studio Code and changed all references of “Mesh Tools” and “MeshTools” to “Set Dimensions”. Though really the only reference to “MeshTools” that needs to be altered to make the AddOn work harmoniously with the current version of Blender 2.80 (July 5th build) is:

Line 28: “name”: “Mesh Tools”,

So to sum up, to get Set Dimensions to work with Blender 2.80 as of July 5th 2019 edit the following lines of code in the file:

Line 28
From: “name”: “Mesh Tools”,
To: “name”: “Set Dimensions”,

Line 31
From: “blender”: (2, 78, 0),
To: “blender”: (2, 80, 0),

Line 107
From: box.label(“New dimensions:”)
To: box.label(text=“New dimensions:”)

I also changed the version number:

Line 30
From: “version”: (1, 0),
To: “version”: (1, 1),

Just because.

Anyhow, I hope this adds to the chain of help for the next individual utilizing Blender 2.80 and seeking a tool like Set Dimensions. I know I was elated to find it.

P.S. A special thank you to the original developer of this AddOn, Graphics_Dev, if they are still around.