Set Object origin in Game (UPBGE 0.3)

Set the origin of an object to the location of an empty.
Together with
to update the physics mesh we can shift the center of mass in game.
UPBGE_0.3_set_Origin.blend (831.6 KB)

Special thanks to JuanG3D from Discord Channel for providing the bpy-code.

import bpy
import bge
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix

Cube = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects['Cube']
Empty = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects['Empty']

emptyPosition = Empty.worldPosition
ob = Cube.blenderObject
mw = ob.matrix_world
o = mw.inverted() @ Vector(emptyPosition)
mw.translation = emptyPosition   # doesn't have effect in runtime, use:

Cube.worldPosition = emptyPosition

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