Set orientation to a empty?

Can I make my character set it´s orientation to a enemy empty making a teleport effect

is there some script for this

if so can someone tell me how to make cube assign it´s orientation to empty

any help would be apriciated

Orientation = rotation. If you want a teleport effect, you want position (location).

Put this on the empty:

import GameLogic as g
cont = g.getCurrentController()
own = cont.getOwner()
g.emptyLocation = own.getPosition()

Fit this into the character:

import GameLogic as g
cont = g.getCurrentController()
own = cont.getOwner()
if teleport.isPositive():

In the second script, “teleport” would be whatever sensor that activates the warp.

Well, im a python noob, so perhaps you can explain a little more for my sake, or just take a look at this .blend that I couldn’t get to work, and point out to me what I did wrong :smiley:

Well, you have to declare “teleport”. The script won’t automatically connect a sensor to a name. You have to force it by using

teleport = cont.getSensor("teleport")