Setting models rotation to 90 degrees?

I have a model that is rotated something like 19.00241 degrees in the X axis. I need it to line up with the grid so it would have a 90 degree rotation. How? I’m a complete newbie with Blender.

Select Object Mode and press the N key to bring up the transform properties window, Use the Rot sliders to change the rotation angle.

Or you can simply select the value of rotation shown in dialog box and type in 90.

The rotation appears to be linked to the objects current rotation. Not “global”. So editing the rotation trough transform properties window doesn’t work.

I still need help with this.

If you rotated it and can’t rotate it back; try [alt+R].

i bet you think about “fixing the rotation” so it will be the objects default rotation

  • thats what you speak about “global”
    after rotating the object in object-mode
    select in the menu for the object -> apply -> Rotation
    and it will not more possible to snap the object back with Alt-R key
    to its default rotation.
    Same goes for the object-location,
    its the option “Apply” (location… rotation … scale) to make object-changes fixed

The thing is that the objects default rotation is not even close to 90 degrees.

If that is the default rotation, you will have to manually rotate it to where you want

That’s just great… Blender is seriously not capable of doing this? =/ You can do so much with it, but not a simple thing like this?

well, there isn’t a way to make blender doing it automatically. There is one thing you could try though.

select the top right vertice in your model (as seen in your previous picture). Then extrude along the x-axis (doesn’t really matte how far you extrude). Then Select the top right vertice, the newly created vertice and the top left vertivce and press ‘f’ to make a face. In the ‘Mesh Tools More’ panel turn on ‘Edge Angles’ and look at the angle at the corner where you extruded the vertice from. Rotate the model by that amount around the y-axis.

Repeat for other axis if necessary

You sir, are awesome. It worked perfectly! I had to do it a couple of times to get the rotation right on all of the axes. Results are just what I need.