Sewed fabric modeling

Hi guys,

I´m desparate with modeling quilt and pillow with sewed pattern. :weary:

I tried sculpting, cloth sim, bump maps baking, tutorials… I can´t get anywhere near the real thing. It´s either too bulky or too flat. I have to be missing something in the process.

Any tip is welcome.


Dont resist it and make it bulky. Then just scale it down.
But blanket like this would require something around 150+k polys for the top side. Simulation will be really slow.

Have you tried the sculpt mode’s cloth brushes? They allow to simulate cloth on a small section of the object at a time. This can allow you to get cloth detail on a rather high resolution mesh.

Wow, this is really amazing. How did you get such nice bending?

Mine still looks like this

Would you be so kind and share some settings?

My plan is to bake seamless displacement map and use it for the blanket.

Yeah I tried this too, but I never get nice results… I must be stupid or something :confused:

Oh tbh i didn’t save anything from those screenshots on previous post, but here’s some points:
I didnt touch the shape before sim for the pattern. I only added square’ish zigzag like pattern as vertex groups for pins.
Also i use a technique which i personally call: “displacement injection”
What da heck its even mean?
We take our cloth and add displacement with some texture representing the crumpled cloth. We apply those displacement and when start the simulation.
Why? Because it will help to produce more small detais to the cloth. Some of them will dissapear, yes, especially in case when we use pressure. But they will help us a bit.*
Why not add displacement or normal maps after the sumulation? Because of the fun fact:
You can be cashier, office manager, or housewife. In all those cases you probably will be someone who have no idea about simulations and 3d modeling at all, but you still be someone who can easilly spot the fake. Cloth bend, shrink and tends to fold in a specific way depending on cloth type and various factors but its not a chaos which doesnt have rules.
If those rules are persist - its look real. If its just a displacement added later which creates wrincles where they shouldnt ever be - its look fake.
Its possible and good practice to add little wrinckles and details after simulations, but in really small amount and really carefully because it can ruin the look.
Adding displacement before the simulstion are not a magic wand, but again - its helps a bit.

*in those screenshots in previous post i used some other texture with more wrinkles and more “noisy” details. You can spot them there.

I believe i cant add file here cuz its too big so here it is:


So Shrinking factor was the magic button :smiley: Man, thank you for the help and awesome advices.

THANK YOU!! :+1: