Shading issues after joining objects (with different shading)

How can I get a decent shading after two meshes have been joind?
It drives me crazy at this point. How can it be so hard to have one consistent mesh? :frowning: I was searching the web for hours to find a solution, but none of the shading issues people describe on blogs and forums seam to be like this.

There are no dublicated vertecies.
There are no interior faces.
Recalculate outside does nothing.
Data transfer from an other mesh doesn’t fix it.
Subdivision doesn’t help.
Weighted normal modifier won’t fix it
Smooth vectors doesn’t help
Set from faces won’t fix it.

It’s just horrifying at this point. Please can somebody help me with this? Please?


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Have you tried Auto Smooth?

Can you share the model or at least enough so we can give it a look !
Since you already looked at the obvious stuff some deep inspection is needed I think :slight_smile:

Of course. No luck. It’s the same when turned on and off. No diffence at all

Sure, here’s the file. Using google drive because upload here does not allow ~50mb:

Well ok :slight_smile:
Try to remove all the materials and see if there is still an issue ?

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The material is different.

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Hmm, I certainly haven’t thought of that honestly, lol.

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