Shading issues

Hello Everybody!

I have this strange shadow wrinkles on my mesh. I tried to apply the weighted normals but the problem persists…

Is there another way to fix it?

I would really appreciate your help!

The problem is the Ngons.
As a general rule for smooth shading and subdivisision on curve surfaces avoid Ngons (model with qauds.)

That said you can sometimes get away with Ngons, but only if they have a few edges. The more edges the worse things get.

Note that I “contained” the circles. See this vid:

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thanks a lot! It looks really better. But the problem now is that when I apply the subdivision I get a lot of vertices

Well yes, there is not really a way around that if you want nice circular holes on a smoothed curved surface.

The other thing you could do is not model the holes at all and use a texture mask for the alpha channel.

You would have to make a mask image for the holes and it will not look good if you solidify your model.

For Eevee set blend mode to alpha clip or hashed, with alpha blend you will get problems with back-facing.