does anyone know how to get rid of these artifacts on my toon shader
Here is a file with this toon shader
does anyone know how to get rid of these artifacts on my toon shader
Here is a file with this toon shader
Hmm… there are two materials one using a Glass BSDF and the other a Principled BSDF… both unaltered (?)… no toon anything. Also no second scene or something…
( Also it is more convenient for users if you upload a 115KiB file directly here… )
if this does not have a sphere with a toon shader on it just let me know. This is my own unique take on a toon shader so it is a bit wierd. Another i noticed is that when I rotate the object the light rotates with it, I think it has to do with the normals, but i am not sure how to create the same effect if i change the normals. As for why i didn’t post the file directly here is because it keeps saying i can’t opload a file bigger tham five MB.
I’m not sure what you expect from this toon shader on a hardsurface… here i explicitely use a png and not a jpg as i usuall do:
…so you might add some displacement to make this more “unstraight” for a more car-toon-ish look ??
Ok thanks. By the way what do you think of my toon shader. Happy new year!
I’m not too much in to “stylistic shaders”… this one is more somekind of “handpainted shader” as far as i have seen… also: didn’t looked very intense/deep into it …
That’s all good. Thanks for your help.