Shadow catcher casting shadows on itself

So, I’m making a visual effect where (in a real life video) I throw an orange at a wall and the orange disappears into the wall. I want to create a water ripple type effect on the wall where the wall gets displaced. I have created a plane with an animated displacement texture but my question is what is the best way to composite this into the video. I was trying to use shadow catchers but I need the ripples on the wall to cast shadows onto the wall itself which I can’t seem to make the shadow catcher do. Alternatively I had considered projecting the texture of the wall onto the plane and compositing it over the original footage but I am unable to get an accurate perspective of the wall due to the framing of the camera shot. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions? Thanks

The Shot:
The Ripple Texture:

I want the ripple to displace the wall where the ball hits, I don’t know if I’m missing some obvious solution here.

Could duplicate the wall mesh and set the visibilty for that one to shadows only. Like this:

self-shadow-catcher.blend (508.1 KB)

Shadow catcher for the ripple? Do you really want the ripple to cast shadows?

What I’d do is to mask out the orange and mix the image with a ripple by addition. In Gimp, the right mode is Grain Merge:

For this example, I grabbed a photo from the web. You can render something like this, just ensure that the image borders have uniform brightness.
In Blender, the node setup is more complex but it does the same thing:

Is this it?

I think you’ve got the right idea with this one, thanks for the help. I decided to use a different method of just matching the colour of the wall roughly and pasting that over the original footage with a blurred edge. I’m going to redo this with a different shot that will make it impossible for me to use such a sloppy solution so I’ll give your method a try.

This is the outcome I got from my first attempt:

This looks cool and I like the idea but it doesn’t lend itself to an animation really, thanks for the advice though!