So, I’m making a visual effect where (in a real life video) I throw an orange at a wall and the orange disappears into the wall. I want to create a water ripple type effect on the wall where the wall gets displaced. I have created a plane with an animated displacement texture but my question is what is the best way to composite this into the video. I was trying to use shadow catchers but I need the ripples on the wall to cast shadows onto the wall itself which I can’t seem to make the shadow catcher do. Alternatively I had considered projecting the texture of the wall onto the plane and compositing it over the original footage but I am unable to get an accurate perspective of the wall due to the framing of the camera shot. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions? Thanks
I think you’ve got the right idea with this one, thanks for the help. I decided to use a different method of just matching the colour of the wall roughly and pasting that over the original footage with a blurred edge. I’m going to redo this with a different shot that will make it impossible for me to use such a sloppy solution so I’ll give your method a try.