How do you render shadows of the objects?
I never learned how to do this i think its called bake.
- Thank you
im using 2.69
How do you render shadows of the objects?
I never learned how to do this i think its called bake.
im using 2.69
Are you looking for a shadow pass? A shadow pass isolates the shadows to be used in compositing. Or perhaps you are trying to “bake” your shadows into the textures. In this case the shadows would become part of the texture which could save on future calculations of the lighting. This is done a lot in video games. Check this out:
Is it possible to render something like vray wrapper material in cycles?
TO render just shadow with alpha.
No, there is currently no shadow catcher material in Cycles.
Use that trick of putting the objects that you want to receive shadow in another layer, and render them alone with the camera perpendicular to them. you get a shadow map.
@Nextus: What is your reason using 2.69 version?