Shape becomes distorted when I use array modifier along a curve

I’m trying to clone cylinders in a circle. I followed a tutorial that showed how to array the object along a curve. This is fine except that now all the cylinders are distorted, which I don’t want.

I want it to retain it’s original cylinder shape, as I show underlined in red. What should I do??!!

Thank you in advance.


I guess thats the most commmon way of doing that:
I bet there also a tons of more nice way with geometry nodes, but i cant refer any specific tutorials


thx! Really appreciate it.

I’m unable to watch the YouTube video recommended by the other poster, so my suggestion may be the same - instance objects. Use the array modifier on a single vertex to follow around your circle. Then somewhere (sorry haha not at a computer right now) under the vertex object data properties you can choose to have it instanced as the cylinder. This stops distortion.

thx Peter!

Hey Peter,

I tried what you said and it worked but I have a new problem. I need all the cylinders facing inwards. NOT having the same rotation. Take a look. The top image is what I did with your note. It’s great, but I can’t adjust the rotation so they look like the lower image, facing inwards.

What do you think??



I’ve done it before, with a bike chain, but a long time ago. It can be done. I’ll get on blender when I can and see if I can remember how to do it.

Thx Peter! Really appreciate it

Hi there. So I tried it, and it worked fine for me. Maybe you didn’t apply the rotation to your original cylinder?

I also tried it in a way which I find simpler, but maybe you don’t want to do it this way…

Just use an empty to control the “object offset”.
In case you want to do this but don’t know how…

  1. Offset your cylinder from the 3D cursor (I moved it along the +Y axis) and be sure to set the cylinder’s origin to the 3D cursor. Or just apply all Transforms.
  2. Add an empty. I use plain axes, but anything will work. You could even do this with a mesh.
  3. Add the array modifier to the cylinder and enable “object offset.”
  4. Set target as the empty.
  5. Rotate the empty on the Z axis.
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Thx so much man! Really appreciate it