Shape Keys doesn't want to change

The values in shapes keys were working normal, then suddenly doesn’t works.

I don’t know if accidentally I press something and it was disabled.

If someone has experienced this before, please help.

yellow usually mean it has been keyframed. right click and chose ‘delete keyframe’

Hi, the color change indicating that a keyframe was added, but the value does not change.

For example, I dragged the value to 1, but once is release there immediately change to 0 again as shown in the image.

if you keyframe the value on a certain frame (Say frame 1) and then move to another frame (frame 10) and then change the value, you must then insert another keyframe (by right clicking and ‘insert keyframe’) otherwise the preioud keyframed value will overiide whatever you changed it to.

Thanks, but something was wrongly disabled because I test the shape keys in another animation and works normally.

It’s probably a bug, I read in another platform that someone experienced the same thing.

We could continue playing with max and min range and it seems like is reset momentarily, at least enough to move from that little stuck.

Without forgetting that is Blender 2.8 Beta.

Thanks again!

Yeah I’ve gotten this as well a couple times. Sometimes the shape key value gets “stuck” so that the only way to add new keyframes (with different values) is to add them with the stuck value first, and then manually moving them in the graph editor.

I did a post on this months ago and its still not fixed lol
What happens is that if you already have a key on the timeline, the next one you put there wont change any value unless you go into the shape editor.

Also having this issue!