You can’t use Shape Keys to morph one object to another object automatically (even if the objects have the same number of verticies).
Shape Keys only effect a single object, not a range of OBJ files.
What looks like is needed here is a script that will assign positions to the verticies of one mesh from another mesh that has the same number of verticies.
I create a head in poser that is talking.
I export a series of OBJ files with the head in it’s various positions. These exported OBJ files are exported as Morph Targets so they do have the exact same number of vertices.
I import the first OBJ file and set it as my base object for shape keys. Now I want to add a shape key that represents the next frame in my morphing animation. So I import the next morph target OBJ file that was exported from poser.
Now I am stuck. Because blender has no way of simply extracting the vertices from this second OBJ file. I have to manually line up the next OBJ then put the base OBJ in edit mode and hand tweak all the vertices to match the second OBJ.
Am I missing something here? Is there a way to simply select all the verticies in one OBJ and cut and paste them into the base object shape keys?