Shark Attack project

Hello guys, I’m so happy that Blender is such a good open source product that make many really incredible ideas alive! Also this looks like nice Blender Community here, I start using and experimenting with Blender like a year ago, but I’m still learning - every day!
Thank you for all effort and passion building this unique program! I love it! :eyebrowlift:

I would like to share small piece I’ve made before 4-5 months ago. It’s a part of my personal project called - shark attack. Right now need to have more free time to work on it, and to finish the animation.

Hope you will like it! Enjoy


Nice piece! I would work on the teeth in the back. make them more uniform and pointy, like shark teeth. The program has really come a long way, I’ll second that.

Thank you Astapov, for your suggestion - I’ll try to improve it :slight_smile:

When I finish the animation, as a whole product I will need a keen feedback from you guys. I think this community is a perfect place to share and improve not only the technical skills we have, but also the ability to share and experiment and improve into more professional way!

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I would totally buy one of these if they were real. Can’t wait to see the finished project.