Shark Witch

Sculpt of a shark witch, based on concept by Olivier Désirée.

Sculpted and rendered in Blender 4.0 using the new AgX thing, and… I can’t tell the difference between Filmic :melting_face:

The rune font used for the text is Futhark AOE by Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute. It just says “shark” :stuck_out_tongue:

EEVEE viewport renders:


Cool character design!! I love the Lamprey hat.


You will be able to tell the difference in a scene with very bright colored lights. As far as I can tell, AGX has a more predictable and consistent behavior with very bright colors and is also more similar to how a real camera would interpret a light source.


You know sometimes you think you’ll saw everything but there some like this surprise you.

Great model.

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So beautiful character! Amazing work!:heart_eyes::fire:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Amazing work beautiful !

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