
new project.

Bravo. Except… it needs a 5th fin and I can’t tell from her but it looks like you don’t have the anal fin or the claspers.

I noticed the missing 5th gill after posting it here :smiley:
Fixed it.

Good detective work, GraphiX :smiley:

And thought no one would notice that I’m missing the second dorsal fin and anal fin :stuck_out_tongue:
Have to fix that now. =.=

A bit better now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking good. What are you planning on doing with this guy?

There is a small competition here, locally, for “pictures made with computer”. One of the topics is something like a “sea monster” or something like that. So, I’ll have a bit of fun with the shark.
I’ll present it there after texturing, etc.

Later, maybe, make him swim around, animated :smiley:

The prey.

Change of heart.
The sharky is chasing a tuna.

Is that sculptris? Those models are looking good.

Yep, Scupltris it is indeed :smiley:
When I get the shape to what I’m happy with, back to Blender.

And thanks for liking the models :slight_smile:

Sharky has a “friend” too :stuck_out_tongue:

Again very good, but… I keep noticing that the most of the fish you make are front heavy. Most of them would have a hard time propelling themselves through the water with those small caudal fins. also the fish that is quite bulbous, the top and bottom fins look a little to heavy (in terms of thickness) and would mostly just create drag. But still, great modeling.

Oh, BTW, are you modeling a specific shark? I can’t really identify. My closest guess is sand tiger. My favorite has to be the white tip… or sixgill… maybe even goblin… I’m not sure.

No, I’m not modelling a specific shark. Kind of want it to be unknown specimen, that would be part of the idea behind of the final picture.

In the final there will only be the diver, shark and the tuna.

I see. Are you going to have anything else in the image i.e. coral, seaweed, etc.?

No, not really, just bubbles.
It will be a comic/manga like sequence of images.

I’m not sure what you mean. Like images placed into a comic strip?

yes, something like that.