Shatter Away


this is my newest work with Blender and I pretty proud of it so I just want to schow it a little around. :smiley:

Had a hard time with the fracture tool because it wont work right in the area around the eyes. But after a long time of tweaking I get the result I was looking for.

Then I´ve done a lot of ostprocess in Photoshop. Glow, Highlights and the scratches and stuff.

So I hope you like it as much as I do. :eyebrowlift:

A very nicely artistic piece. Well done.

But the DeviantArt watermark, positioned precisely where it is and looking the way that it does, does detract from the effect that you are trying to achieve here, . If it’s possible to relocate the watermark, change its color etc., then I would suggest doing so. That watermark is using the same colors and textures as the target image, and it is precisely in the center-of-interest of it.

(As for me, I would simply put “© 2014” on the left side using the same type-style that you’ve used for your siggy, and be done, omitting the use of a watermark entirely in this case. Or, at least, a visible​ one. If you need to credit DeviantArt or somesuch, use another corner for that text, similarly treated.)

Good job Tim. The fracture is very well handled. I’m actually working on a quite similar project on the moment. I hope I do as well as this shot! Congrats.
BTW, a short question : how dense (poly count) was your base mesh before applying the fracture tool?

Thx for the nice words. :slight_smile:

Thats a good question. o0 If I remember it right I used a subsurface modifier twice. In the area of the eyes the mesh was very detailed. I think this could influence the size of the shards.

Good job with the picture.

Had a hard time with the fracture tool because it wont work right in the area around the eyes.

The fracture tool works best with manifold geometry, so if there was a hole where the eye was that would probably mess up the fracture.

In the area of the eyes the mesh was very detailed. I think this could influence the size of the shards.

If you want to manually control the size of the shards, you can use the grease pencil to draw where you want the the littlest and biggest shards. Here’s a tutorial if you are interested: