Ship in a Bottle

“The Black Pearl captured in a bottle adventuring an unknown journey, waiting for getting out of the bottle.”

Made for the CG Boost challenge - World in a Bottle
Everything was created by myself from scratch.

This project was inspired by the movie series “Pirates of the Caribbean” & it was fun. Didn’t get a lot of time to make this (for some reason) but I’m happy with the result. I also tried making water splashes around the ship but the fluid simulation hates me :joy: . The water was made with the ocean modifier.
Hope you like it :grinning:
You can watch my tutorials from here -


I really like the lighting in your water. It reminds me of Aivazovsky’s work. If you were looking to add a new tutorial to your YouTube page, a short one on how you illuminated the water would be nice.

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:+1: congrats.

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Thanks :grinning:. That’s a good idea ,will try.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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