Short film: "Solanum - Stories of the Zach epidemic"

Hi all,

this short film started with the premise:

“What would a sniper team talk about
while on duty during a zombie epidemic.”

Production began around Jauary, and
was declared complete last week.

Criticism and queries are welcome…


Why does it look so slow? That’s my only problem with it.

Cool, I’ve never seen stop-animation like this done in blender cycles… I like it! Nice writing and lovely voice overs. 5* for you

Thanks XeroShadow & fusobotic for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Assuming you’re talking about the frame rate -
this is called “animating on the 2s” and is common
in stop motion - a medium I aimed to emulate.

Another benefit of this style is halving the render time.
Scheduling was important for me in this production,
and when render times are multipled by hundreds
of frames per render job - the numbers get pretty big!