Short film - The Spark


Humanity is long gone. After an apocalyptic war, a member of the team of robots tasked with finding a new hope for life discovers a mysterious map.

Making Of

This is our second short film completely made with Blender and free and open source software.
We made use of our Real City assets as well as Real Environments and Generators, but the rest of the models had to be made from scratch.
The whole project is worth more than one year of work, and this time around we got some highly talented artists to work on it.

More about the film here.


Nice and cool poster cover! :grinning:

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It looks like is down :-/

Edit: never mind - it’s back! I fixed the peertube embedding for you.

Awesome work :slight_smile:


Looks good! - will watch when I get home . .

This looks astonishingly great. Thank you for sharing. Especially:

  • The focus shift when it notices that pentagon-bounded orb
  • The character of the giant robots, their looks, and the minimal but vile sounds
  • How the protagonist robot looks back at the closing gate
  • How it looks back then forward when the sandstorm comes
  • How it notices and looks into the cave
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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

(post deleted by author)

I’ve removed the “sour grapes” section of your post that doubled as a self-promotion. It was off-topic, mean-spirited, and not civil or constructive. Don’t be that person.

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If your point is to promote yourself while demeaning another artwork on that artwork’s topic, don’t make that point. This is not up for discussion. Please keep replies focused on the artwork at hand

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I’m flagging this for removal. Constructive feedback is one thing, but this goes quite beyond that. If you’d like feedback on your own film, then feel free to request it in your own thread.


I thought it might have a plot twist. The story begins with us assuming mech-life intends to restore bio-life but the mission was really search and destroy. He finds the bio-life and begins destroying it since it is harmful and troublesome to mech-life. (Those bacteria will eat your gaskets!)

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I want to leave a note about what happened here, since regular visitors will not see the history of the deleted posts: OP received feedback on their work - which is fine. The feedback then turned into a complaint about why someone else’s work was NOT featured (and they felt theirs was comparable in quality to OP’s). This kind of ‘topic hijacking’ is something we frown upon: you’re free to post such grievances in your own topics: you can choose to do so in public ( Blender Artists Website Support is a good place for that), or to reach out to the @moderators or me directly in private.

After Joseph took corrective action, this quickly turned into accusations like us ‘censoring’ the site, being political etc. These posts were removed as being inappropriate.

There are two things to note here:

  1. It’s easy to wield the ‘free speech/censoring’ argument. We have rules in place to keep this place functional though, and will apply them. While this may limit what you can do HERE, it does not limit your free speech. XKCD can say that better than I can.
  2. We have a process in place to propose work for the featured row, and collectively vote on it in a group of over 40 core community members. If you’re not featured, there’s a good chance it either didn’t get put forward, or if it was, we didn’t reach enough upvotes to feature it.