Short movie: Jet fight + looking for clouds system

So as many times with cars let’s play the game so i start modeling one of the most iconic jet fighters and hear is just 10 minutes of modeling, but if i would model more it would be to easy to gues so! Can anyone guess what jet fighter im doing?

The plane is just to symulate future modeling…

curent progress


don’t know anything about jets, except for the jets in in Indian air force,
maybe the superfast thrust ssc?

noooo :smiley: it is made of one of the biggest country in the world :smiley: and it is a plain not car xD

F-14 or F-15?

F-15 Eagle, SU-27 Flanker… they all look the same to a certain extent and especially in the tail area.
Even an expert in aircraft is quite likely to guess wrong at this point, because that’s what it would be, guessing. :wink:

From what little given, yeah I would say F-15 or F-14.

If its a US jet - based on how close the jet engines are together - i’d say F15. An F14s engines are wider than that and an F18s are closer together.

If its not US - then i’d say its a Mig 29.

Bingo@ yes it is mig 29 fulcrum. However i was thinking that it will be easy and it will take 8H to model… but… Engines damn engines!!!

I will show you where is problem.

What is done… so generaly after modeling 6 times As a one single object! i made the top look great all quads nice perfect… but the problems starts with underground part… it is complicated a bit… co what i have done is i made is a 2 seperate objects… Engines and Just body… so they are not so smooth as on a photo! but hear is a clever thing :smiley: after i done whole Jet… i will just applay subsurf. on middle setup… and connect those stuff, smooth and it will be done :smiley: this is really little update but now im on right way of modelling… and once more blueprints are i don’t know for who. but they don’t really work

little update. mesh all quads for now no problem :smiley:

can’t see the details of the model, maybe post a render as you did in the above post? or just a wireframe?
anyway, looks nice, and please check your message box, contains something from the rendering cars WIP.

Hey, nice choice ! Good start indeed. I stay tuned on it :smiley:

little update.

This is going great! Nice work!

the contours look pretty good.

Wow this is really looking great…

I want to make a movie! short! with planes… so i start experimenting with clouds!

there is still a lot of stuff to tweak lightening of this damn clouds is some nightmare… i don’t want to render separetly plane, and clouds…

okey so for now i don’t use any textures as a back plate… This is 100% blender, clouds are made by volumentrics. Now it is time to go back to modeliing. Acctualy i have some idea of this plane and it will be my concept based on mig. Keep watching and would be great to get some feedback, did you like my clouds etc…

Little update of the jet acctualy not so little :smiley:

Really digging the volumetric clouds! Are they affected by the plane, or is that possible?

Hey okey i want to tell you a bit about my workflow with i just make last night and im pretty happy from it.

So i am usind 4 scenes, with are Clouds, Planes, Modeling plane, Rendering.

I will star with:

scen: Modeling plane.
This scen have just a plane with im modeling. The whole plane is maked as a group called plane.

scen: Planes
in this scen i add group instance or somethink like that basicly it coppy the plane from modeling scen and assign it to empty and put it one one layer. So i can duplicate it rotate pose animate… but the plane in modeling plane scen is not moved or rotated… all changes in modeling plane scen are assign automaticly to… This scen. with is really nice.

scen: Clouds
hear i setup all my clouds and basicly environment. The camera and sun light are linked between scene Clouds and Planes. The planes are linked to this scene. so i see is plane inside the cloud or outside etc… But they are not rendered. As you can see on screenshoot i have 2 layered sky… Basicly there is a lot of little clouds just to cover the ground…
and higher they are clouds more detailed and didn’t repeat.

scen: Rendering
totaly new scen. It just compositing nodes. It renders the Clouds and Planes.

The rendering time is a bit to long… and still planes are clay so it can be pretty hard, when all materials will came up. I don’t want to go more then 1H per frame… i want to be somethink like 30 frames per 24H gives me one day of rendering for 1 sec. of movie.