Short question: one-click quad creation for retopo

Hi Blender community,

I saw something interesting in a retopo video where the guy creates a quad in one click, usinf Make edge/face.
Here’s the moment I’m talking about:

However, when I create a similar model and use make edge/face , it creates a triangle and not a quad.

Is it a macro? Or an option I haven’t seen?

Thank you, in the hopes that I get closer to high-speed retopology in Blender. :slight_smile:

see this

Create face fromsingle selected item
Press on F key withcursor over are and it auto fill faces

but also possible with script looptool

happy bl

Maybe you dont have the addon called F2 activated. Search it and enable it.

Yes, it was F2! After a little bit of fiddling, I’m down to a reasonable 3-step quad creation.
-select the vertex
-press F (shift-f in my shortcut setup)

  • with the autograb option enabled, left-click to place the vertex.

Do you think there’s ever going to be a blender toll that mimics the topogun/3dcoat functions of, after finishing one quad, automatically reseleting the next vertex in line to reduce this to a two, or even one, step quad creation?

If anyone knows of such tools, they’re more than welcome to share! :slight_smile: