Short reel of my animations for Paleo Pines

I made a short portfolio reel showing some of my animation work for Paleo Pines - a dinosaur themed farming sim which got released last month.

I was lead animator on this during my time at Italic Pig and we used Blender for the entire production which ran to over 4 years. I had a very small team of animators (3 of us) and I reckon we made well over 2k animations between us in that time. I don’t believe we could have achieved this without Blender’s action system (and my brilliant team) as we were able to share animations across rigs (with some tweaking) and having all of each characters animations (anywhere between 40 and 90) in one scene was a huge help.




I should point out that none of the models are mine, I was ‘only’ animating. I DID repurpose an existing model to make a baby version of the existing adult parasaurolophus (named Lucky)
This basically involved re-scaling and adjusting proportions (short chunky limbs, big head, big eyes etc) and then i re-rigged it using AutoRig Pro. This was only for an intro video and didn’t have to go near a game engine, so I created an eye rig using a spherical setup with a lattice- then driven UVs gave me pupil movement and an adjustable highlight.


These are priceless! Fantastic work! :smiley:

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Thank you!

I humbly submit that you should edit this thread to change the first thumbnail image (gallimimus_STEED_sequence_0183)… in this particular image it is impossible for a casual viewer to understand WHAT the critter is that the little girl is riding.

I clicked almost by accident, and was amazed to see what cute little dinosaurs (in all their glorious walk/run-cycles) were hiding in this thread!

Thanks so much for sharing these! :smiley:

[the 1st thumbnail in your thread is what becomes the “label” for the thread in the lists of everyone’s Artworks and Animations.]

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Thanks very much for your input- I genuinely appreciate you taking the time. I had doubts about that image myself as I was posting it. I just lifted it from a render sequence but couldn’t find one where both faces were visible at the same time, but went with it anyway, which was incredibly lazy of me [slaps own wrist]
I’ve swapped it for something much more readable- thanks again!

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Wooow! So cute! Fantastic work!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Thank you!

These are so adorable. I love it. Great work.

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Thank you very much!

Real great stuff, animations are so alive and very believable. Wonderful animating!

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Thank you!