Shou Sugi Ban Barrel Sauna Blender Model

Hi there, here’s a Blender model of a wooden barrel sauna I was commissioned to model, the gray/black wood is charred using the ‘shou sugi ban’ technique, which has a number of effects, you can google it, pretty cool stuff. Building the textures was the challenge, since the client really wanted to express that material since this hasn’t actually been produced yet.

I did a couple other views set in the woods that came out ok, I’d be curious as to anyone’s preference between the two:

Anyway, enjoy and have a great day!


Congrats, that came out nice. :ok_hand:

And I really like the forest version, esp. the darker one.


Thank you! That’s very kind of you to say

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you so much!

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Indeed, that texture came out very well (I compared some images of the real thing since I wasn’t familiar with the technique).

I, too, prefer the darker forest version.

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The first image seems to fuse well with the configured environment. :slightly_smiling_face:

In fact, the forest is only partially direct sunlight and mostly tree shadows.
That’s why it seems realistic. A cozy atmosphere… :sleeping:

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