I definitely see the problems on this but I’d like to hear what you guys see. So give me your best shot, leave some brutally honest, ego crumbling wisdom. Thanks!
Modeling looks good, but materials are off. There doesn’t seem to be any bump, just scratched off paint, which isn’t looking right. Grip rubber is too perfect compared to beat up stock. You might try using the colormap, but mixing black back it, and then using it again as a bump map innverted. Or just use the existing map as bump and find a new scuff/scratch color. I don’t rambling now but definitely too cg phony as is.
Some parts are looking very realistic but the scratches on the body are almost patterned & uniformed , I would mask the scratches closer to the edges ( The lighter parts
on attached image)
Thanks guys! I’ve taken a decent break from this and I think I’m ready to attack it a second time. I wrote down your suggestions and will try my best to use them. Thanks again!
The body looks better now but you had the barrel perfect in the first render , the fall off is a little harsh now !! I know its annoying , sorry , the image I put up was a suggestion only for a ‘masking’ layer on the body. With this new body and your original barrel I would definitely purchase as an asset for a project if needed , very professional.
Alright cool, I stupidly don’t have the old version saved to my computer but I’ll try to either recreate the old barrel or at least make it look better. Not annoying don’t worry, my goal is to make this a top quality model to sell and I’d also like to learn to animate it. I’ll see what I can work out. Thanks again!
Okay, I’m feeling pretty proud with the progress I made on this. Feel free to shoot my pride down though. I found that I had saved the old barrel material as a fake user (the little F button) so I was able to just slap it back on the barrel. I re-mapped a bunch of the stretched UV’s and fixed some other problems, along with changing the color grading to something a bit closer to the default render colors because I realized if I want to make this to sell I need to be aware of what it actually looks like under normal conditions.
Still have to add the various engraved bits of text back on, and then bake everything which I was trying to do but was struggling with…
Personally I think that is pretty awesome. Well done :eyebrowlift2:
Thanks! I really appreciate all the help!
Hey only thing I notice is the bolt carrier group not having the details but unless someone has an ar they probably wouldn’t notice. I’ve been thinking of doing one recently…how many hours do you have in yours?
looks great! Though, maybe adding some grime in the crevices/corners will give the gun a little more character.
Good job though