Simple City Render

I think I’m improving on my Blender skillz. Even the simple renders end up looking realistic now that I learned about AO and the new soft shadow feature for all lamp types, ect. So, Here’s a simple render of a city I made in about an hour:

So… what do you think?

You are right, the result is quite good. If you add a bit blur, you can get people think your picture is an aerial photo. The streets still needs some more space, they are too small, and this causes the buildings to be packed too tight.

Really nice work:)

I agree with SnifiX though, the buildings are packed a little too tight, and i would change the reflections for some of the building cause i think they are reflection a little to much light.

But a really nice and realistic looking render tough…

Thank you. I don’t plan on doing roads, because this isn’t a major project. I just wanted to make a simple render of some city buildings. They’re packed so tighlty so you wouldn’t see the non-existing roads, LOL.

This is pretty cool!

I’m also interested in the grand sweep (rather than say a lot of “street furniture”) - currently thinking about a way to cover some 10km of cityscape without frying my computer and still be fairly convincing :eek:


I think a bit more variation in the tops of the buildings would help. Maybe just a few added cubes and cylinders to denote stuff like rooftop A/C units, water tanks, pigeon coops, etc. I think you could vary it without going overboard and improve the look of the city.

And I know you said you don’t want to do streets, but I think the lack of any visible street spaces detracts from the realism of the image, abstract as it is. Maybe if you just added a few so that the viewer would get the impression of streets existing - to me this just looks like blocks. I guess it depends on what you want to do with the model.

For tests like this one, i suggest blenders alternative to greeble, if you don’t already know about it

scripts winodow -scripts- mesh - discombobulator

I did this one in like … 5 seconds


I tried to keep it abstract but realistic. I think it’s time I took a brake from attempting total photorealism. I want a fake yet real look, like stop motion animations have. They have unrealistic objects but the lighting and rendering is totally photorealistic.

Use the gamma node in the compositor set to a value less than 1, I only recently discovered what it can do to enhance images, you would discover too if you used it.

Nice work, but I have to say that I agree with klaatuteela on this, although the AO and shadows do give this a bit of realism, it all looks a bit too uniform and is close to looking like just a collection of cubes in my opinion. The taller buildings do a good job in drawing the viewers attention to them though which helps the image greatly.

Google skyline pictures of many of the major cities in the world and it is clear that there is alot more variation in building shape than shown in your image. To get a better result for your “fake yet real look” a few simple rounded buildings, asymmetrical buildings and some other simple low poly structures other than skyscrapers (church shapes, bridges etc) could go along way into adding some extra interest points into this image without having to put in any complex detail.

Nice work with what you have used though, achieved a good, effective result with some very simple shapes.

Thanks. I’m at school right now in art class ; ). It’s my birthday tomorrow and the teacher knows about how I use Blender and she’s letting me blend in class. I’ll add more detail at home.

If you have a look through the python section, there is a WIP city generator that I am keenly keeping an eye on for things like this. Generates (at the moment) buildings, streets, sidewalks, various floors, windows, building tops. Maybe more, haven’t run the latest one I don’t think

Happy birthday for the other day by the way!

I did this with discombobulator a couple of years ago - it looked quite good with this procedural texture on it.

If you can get something similar to work on your buildings - they’ll look spiffy. :smiley:

That’s pretty cool. I feel tired right now. I don’t know why.

Looks like the opening menu from Mirrors Edge.

not a good picture, but it kinda gives the idea:

That’s kinda exactly what I was going for but with more color 8 D!